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Utbildnings- och kultursociologi
Sociology of Education and Culture at Uppsala University

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Globalization in Education, Culture and Science

A multidisciplinary PhD course (7.5 credits),
Sociology of Education, Faculty of Educational Sciences, Uppsala universitet
November 2019 – December 2020

The course will be given by Prof. Johan Heilbron.
Prof. Mikael Börjesson <> will function as coordinator.

The course is open to PhD students engaged in research on any topic related to the course. Applications are to be sent to Mikael Börjesson.


This course offers a sociological perspective, not on ‘globalization’ in general, but on globalizing processes in the closely related fields of education, cultural exchange and the production of scientific knowledge.

The aim is to go beyond the general debate by comparing how globalizing processes vary across the fields of education, culture, and science. Empirical research on these fields will be compared and systematically combined with theoretical reflection.


After the course the graduate student is expected to be able to
• describe and discuss the main features of globalization and internationalization
• compare and judge different theoretical models for understanding processes of globalization • compare central differences and similarities in the process of globalization of education, culture and science • design a feasible empirical project about a large topic such as globalization
• reflect on the knowledge production in this area.


After introductory lectures, including a historical perspective and a presentation of the main theoretical approaches, the course will successively focus on globalizing tendencies in cultural exchange (book translations, movies, art market etc), knowledge production in the human and social sciences and higher education

Basic structure of the course:
1) What is globalization / internationalization?
2) Approaches to the study of globalization
3) Culture
4) Science
5) Education
6) Concluding session(s) at the end including a seminar discussion in which students briefly present their papers (main findings and hypothesis, ideas for further research)


Students are expected to present one article or book chapter during a seminar meeting and to write a final essay; both on a topic of their own choosing in one of the three fields.


Lectures and seminars, each two hours long, will be divided in six parts. There are also opportunities to take part in workshops and conference sessions.

Part 1
November 11 2019: 10:15-12:00 and 13:15-15:00, 24:307, Blåsenhus.
          Introductory session and Theoretical approaches session I
November 12, 2019: 10:15-12:00, 24:307, Blåsenhus.
          Theoretical approaches II
November 15, 2019: 10:15-12:00 and 13:15-15:00, 24:307, Blåsenhus.
          Theoretical approaches III; Reading requirements + brief evaluation of part 1.

Part 2 - Nota Bene: no physical gatherings in Uppsala because of the corona virus. Instead digital meetings on the Zoom platform. Se email 12 March 2020 from Mikael Börjesson
March 16 2020: 10:15-12:00: Globalization in culture (lecture + reading requirements)
March 17 2020: 10:15-12:00: Globalization in social and human sciences (lecture + reading requirements + brief preparation of parts 3 and 4 + brief evaluation of part 2)

Part 3
May 5 2020 10:15-12:00: Globalization in education (lecture + required readings) 13:15-15:00: Lecture by invited speaker.
May 6-8 2020 International Conference on the Internationalisation of Higher Education Institutions. Uppsala University.
May 11-12 2020: Exploratory Workshop on Field theory, Globalization and Education, (upon request students have the opportunity to participate in the workshop)

Part 4
June 11 2020: 10:15-12:00; 13:15-15:00 Summing up, lessons learned, discussion about possible topics for the paper to be written. The organization of this session is the responsibility of the students, who - in time - propose a plan for the session to the lecturer.

Part 5
September 16 2020 13:15-15:00: Student presentations and group discussion of topics for the exam papers.

Part 6
December 8 2020 10:15-12:00; 13:15-15:00: Final sessions (morning and afternoon): Discussion of exam papers.


Compulsory literature:
Frank Lechner & John Boli, The Globalization Reader, Wiley-Blackwell, Fourth edition, 2012, 542 pages (Ca 300 pages mandatory selections).

Additional literature will be made available upon inscription. Ca 200 pages will be devoted to each of the three main themes: culture, science and education. In addition, ca 200 pages of texts will be related to the chosen topic of the exam essay.



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© 2019 SEC, Uppsala universitet |  Web info responsible: Donald Broady | Last updated 12 March, 2020