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Konferenser, seminarier, kurser 2008
anordnade på annat håll
men av intresse för SEC och DL

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Bourdieu og det religiøse felt

Torsdag 10. april 2008 kl 13-16
Københavns Universitet Amager
lokale 27.0.09 (Ny KUA)

Religionen, som man i det moderne sekulære samfund troede henvist til historiens hylder, er de senere år kommet til at fylde stadig mere i det sociale liv. Bourdieu helligede aldrig religion samme opmærksomhed som kunst, kultur, uddannelse osv. og publicerede ingen større empiriske undersøgelser af religiøs praksis i stil med La distinction, Homo Academicus eller La misère du monde. På den anden side er Bourdieus sociologi gennemsyret af termer og tankegange hentet fra den klassiske religionssociologi og med begrebet om det religiøse felt har han ydet et originalt teoretisk bidrag til religionsforskningen. Med Hexis’ temadag om Bourdieu og det religiøse felt er det ambitionen at belyse og diskutere, hvordan Bourdieu kan anvendes i arbejdet med forskellige typer religionssociologiske problemer, både generelle og specifikke, historiske og aktuelle, hjemlige og globale.

Lene Kühle
(Religionssociologi, Århus Universitet):
Det religiøse felt

Kate Østergaard
(Tværkulturelle- og regionale studier, KU):
Nye muslimer i det religiøse felt

Annette Haaber Ihle
(Tværkulturelle og Regionale studier, KU):
Religion og social strategi i Ghana

Læs mere om arrangementet og foreningen Hexis på

2008-05-29 -- 2008-05-30

Working Conference Putting Bourdieu to Work IV

The 4th edition of the travelling Working Conference on "Putting Bourdieu to Work" will take place in Manchester (UK) on 29-30 May 2008. Below is the announcement with the list of themes. The gig is aimed at advanced doctoral students and fresh post-docs. If you're interested to present, follow instructions below. See you in breezy and cheesy Mancunia!
Loïc Wacquant

Organizers: Mike Savage and Loïc Wacquant

Thursday-Friday 29-30 May 2008
CRESC & Sociology, the University of Manchester (UK)

Interest in using Pierre Bourdieu’s theories, methods, and findings to investigate social change, inequality and politics continues to proliferate in European social science as well as around the world. This workshop will be convened by leading international scholars with interests in developing, testing, and revising Bourdieu’s analytic tools. The workshop is an interdisciplinary vehicle for doctoral students and post-doctoral scholars conducting social research deploying Pierre Bourdieu’s concepts to present and discuss their work and to learn from each other’s approaches, problems, and solutions.

There will be five themes:
1) Mike Savage and Alan Warde (Manchester): Class, culture and consumption
2) Nick Crossley (Manchester): Body, habit, and desire in everyday life
3) Elizabeth Silva (Open University): Gender and household
4) Tony Bennett (Open University): Ethnicity and nationalism
5) Loïc Wacquant (UC-Berkeley and CSE-Paris): the state and neo-liberalism.

The workshop will follow a model initiated in doctoral workshops at New York University (2004), University of California-Berkeley (2005), and University of Michigan-Ann Arbor (2006). Any interested scholars grappling with germane issues are welcome to attend and join in the discussion.

Anyone wishing to present a paper should contact by the end of February 2008, with an indication of which of the five themes it would be relevant to. Papers presenting work in progress are especially encouraged (the more advanced the better). Potential contributions can be discussed with relevant theme convenors and/or Mike Savage.


Programme and practicalities:

Working Conference: Putting Pierre Bourdieu to Work IV
May 29 & 30 2008, University of Manchester

Conference outline: Interest in using Pierre Bourdieu’s theories, methods, and findings to investigate social change, inequality and politics continues to proliferate in European social science as well as around the world. This workshop will be convened by leading international scholars with interests in developing, testing, and revising Bourdieu’s analytic tools. The workshop is an interdisciplinary vehicle for doctoral students and post-doctoral scholars conducting social research deploying Pierre Bourdieu’s concepts to present and discuss their work and to learn from each other’s approaches, problems, and solutions.

This workshop will follow a model initiated in doctoral workshops at New York University (2004), University of California (2005) and University of Michigan-Ann Arbor (2006). Any interested scholars grappling with germane issues are welcome to attend and join in the discussion.
Convenors: Mike Savage and Loïc Wacquant

This workshop is hosted by the ESRC Centre for Research on Social Cultural Change at the Open University and the University of Manchester, and the Department of Sociology, University of Manchester

Thursday 29th May 2008
10.30-11.00 Registration and Coffee
11.00-11.30 Welcome and Introduction
Mike Savage & Alan Warde (CRESC, University of Manchester), Culture, class and distinction : Britain in 2003
Annick Prieur (Aalborg University, Denmark), Class in Disguise, Class as Disidentification
Anna Zimdars (University of Manchester) & Alice Sullivan (Institute of Education, University of London) , Cultural Capital and Admission to Oxford
Sarah Baker (University of East London), Practice and Field: A Discussion of the Internal and External Distinctions of Retro Enthusiasts
13.00-14.00 Lunch
Cheryl Hardy (University of Winchester), Consuming Art: Damien Hirst, the YBAs and Socio-Cultural Capital
Camilla Kennedy-Harper (The Open University), Tate Members and the Changing Class Dynamics of the Art Field
Tony Bennett (CRESC. The Open University), Comparative perspectives on visual art, film and television
15.30-16.00 Tea/Coffee Break
16.00-17.30 Session III-GENDER AND HOUSEHOLD
Elizabeth Silva (The Open University), Gender in Culture, Class and Distinction
Lisa Mckenzie (University of Nottingham), Social or Spatial Exclusion: How White Working Class Mothers of 'Mixed Race' Children 'Manage', Accept or Reject Inequality, Stigma and Stereotype: An outline of a Study Set in St Ann's in Nottingham
Angela Mcrobbie (Goldsmiths, University of London), 'What not to wear' and Post-Feminist Symbolic Violence
18.00 Lecture Loïc Wacquant

Friday 30th May 2008
Nick Crossley (University of Manchester), 'Working Out with Bourdieu'
Lynne Gerber (Graduate Theological Union), Making Christian Bodies, Raising Christian Voices: Parachurch Ministries, Cultural Capital and Symbolic Power
Bruno Monteiro (Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences of Porto, Portugal), Learning the Art: Embodiment, Corporeal Capital and Power Relations in the Shopfloor
11.00-11.30 Tea/Coffee Break
Loïc Wacquant ( University of California, Berkeley, Centre de sociologie européenne, Paris), “A Sketch of the Neoliberal State" TAKING BOURDIEU INTO THE GHETTO
Daniel Laurison (University of California, Berkeley), Refusing to Engage: Political Competence and the "Don't Know" Responses on Surveys
Michel Villette(Centre Maurice Halbwachs, ENS-EHESS Paris), Making a Killing: Patterns of Capital Accumulation
13.00-14.00 Lunch and close

Venue Information
The Workshop is taking place at the Alan Turing Building Room G107.

If you are interested to register for this workshop please complete this booking form and send it to the CRESC Office. If you wish to make your payment with a credit card you also need to fill out a credit card form.

This workshop is free for CRESC Theme members.
Booking fees (incl. lunches): Full - £45, Concessions - £20, Day - £25

Accommodation can be booked through CRESC at the Manchester Business School, University of Manchester at a rate of £50 for B&B including VAT per person per day. Please use the booking form to book your accommodation.
For more information on how to get to the Manchester Business School Accommodation please go to

2008-06-26 -- 2008-06-30

The 38th World Congress of the International Institute of Sociology

Central European University in Budapest, Thursday evening, June 26 - Monday noon, June 30, 2008.


2008-07-03 -- 2008-07-08

7th Internationella Conference "Crossroads in Cultural Studies"

 July 3-7, 2008

The University of the West Indies (UWI) Mona Campus
Kingston, Jamaica

Arrangerad av international Association for Cultural Studies (ACS). Se

2008-08-14 -- 2008-08-17

Nordic Sociology Conference 2008

Final call for abstracts to Nordic Sociology Conference 2008:
Dear collegue, researcher or student in sociology
The deadline for submitting an abstract to the 2008 Nordic Conference of Sociology at University of Aarhus (august 14th – 17th) is approaching soon. Those who will present a paper at the Conference should submit their abstract by April the 1st.
For information about the Conference theme and workshops available please consult the Conference webpage:
Please send your abstract by April the 1st 2008
- to the following e-mail address:

Gorm Harste, coordinator
Section of Sociology
Department of Political Science
Aarhus University
DK – 8000 Aarhus C

2008-09-01 -- 2008-09-05

7th International Conference on Social Science Methods (the 7th RC33 Conference)

Location: Monte Sant'Angelo Campus, Neapel, Italien.


Brigitte Le ROUX kommer att anordna en eller flera sessioner om Geometric Data Analysis.

Disputation 2008-10-09

Forskerskolen i Livslang Læring
Institut for Psykologi og Uddannelsesforskning
Forskerskolen i Livslang Læring

inviterer hermed til ph.d. forsvar

Jens Peter Thomsen forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling

Social differentiering og kulturel praksis på danske universitetsuddannelser

Torsdag den 9. oktober 2008,
St. Plenum, P11 - kl.13.00

Birger Steen Nielsen lektor, ph.d. (formand)
Institut for Psykologi og Uddannelsesforskning
Roskilde Universitetscenter Annick Prieur, professor Dr.polit
Institut for Sociologi, Socialt Arbejde og Organisation
Aalborg Universitet
Lars Ulriksen, lektor, ph.d
Institut for Naturfagenes Didaktik
Københavns Universitet

Jan Kampmann, professor
Institut for Psykologi og Uddannelsesforskning – RUC


School Tracking, Achievement and Inequalit

A seminar in honour of Torsten Husén

In all countries children are at some age diverted to separate tracks at school or do just leave it. Tracks may be distinguished by abilities of the students, academic content, degree of vocational training or some other aspect. The crucial question is not whether to introduce tracks or not but at what age tracking should start and according to which criteria tracks should be distinguished. Different forms of tracking could be evaluated based on effects on efficiency, equity and outcome of schooling.

Three international experts will provide scientific evidence on various aspects of school tracking: Professor Jürgen Baumert, Max- Planck-Institut für Bildungsforschung, Berlin, Germany, Professor Eric Hanushek, Hoover Institution, Stanford University, USA, and Professor Walter Müller, Mannheimer Zentrum für Europäische Sozialforschung, Universität Mannheim, Germany. A panel discussion will follow after the lectures.

Tid: 2008-11-12
09:00 - 12:30
Plats: Kungl. Vetenskapsakademien


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Created by Donald Broady. Last updated 31 Dec. 2008
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