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Sociology of Education

(3 ECTS = 3 Swedish högskolepoäng)

Nordic Graduate Course (forskarutbildningskurs)
University of Iceland, Reykjavik, 13-20 May 2010

Main website: http://vefsetur.hi.is/phdsoced/

URL of this page is www.skeptron.uu.se/broady/sec/k-10-soced-reykjavik.htm

Organizing committee: Gestur Guðmundsson <gesturgu@hi.is> (chair), Donald Broady <donald.broady@edu.uu.se>, Katrin Hjort <katrinh@ifpr.sdu.dk>, Elina Lahelma <elahelma@mappi.helsinki.fi>, Jon Lauglo <jon.lauglo@ped.uio.no>. Those will also serve as teachers, together with a couple of specialist from other countries and contributions from the staff at the University of Iceland.

Course assistant: Kristján Ketill Stefánsson <kristjan@khi.is>

Funded by NordFORSK (ID 10602)

May 13th Arrival of most participants
May 14th-15th Course
May 16th (Sunday) Excursion into the wilderness
May 17th-19th Course
May 20th Departure of most participants
The course also comprises preparatory reading and paper writing in advance and the deliverance of a finished paper afterwards .

Recruitment of participants: The participants will be PhD candidates from the Nordic countries. There will be a limitation in the number of participants and therefore an application process. All applications should be delivered on the web site http://vefsetur.hi.is/phdsoced/.

Deadline for applications January 10th 2010

Literature: see below

For more information contact someone in the organizing committee.


Arriving date Thursday May 13th. 14th-15th will be working days, Sunday 16th will be a day-off, with an excursion to the countryside. 17th-19th will be working days and 20th is departure day.

About half of the course will take place in working groups with 9-11 students and two teachers in each. Here every student will present a paper from her/his research project, another student will be discussant, and teachers and other students will discuss the paper. Participants will be expected to read at least the papers to be presented in her/his workshop.

On Monday May 17th there will be a seminar (also open to teachers and students from University of Iceland) on the topic: "Is the concept of cultural capital still valid in the 21st century?“ Lectures will be given by Diane Reay from the University of Cambridge and Donald Broady from the University of Uppsala.

All lectures will take place in lecture hall H-207 in Stakkahlid. Workgroups will work in the adjacent rooms (H-203,204,208 and 209).

May 13th


May 14th

9.00 Welcome. Presentation of course plan.
10.00 Lecture. Elina Lahelma: „Ethnographic research into citizenship and gender”
12.00 Lunch
13.00 – 17.00  Workshops

May 15th

9.00 Workshops
12.00  Lunch
13.00 Lecture. Jon Lauglo: "The concept of social capital as a means to direct attention to other aspects of ‚home background‘ than social class and cultural capital."
15.00- 16.00 Preparation of student-organised activities on Tuesday
18.00-19:00 A guided tour around central Reykjavik with Gestur & Kristján.
18.30 Joint dinner, Hótel Óðinsvé - Óðinstorg

May 16th

10.00 – 17.00 Trip, Reykjavík – Nesjavellir – Þingvellir – Eyjafjallajökull –Reykjavík. Guide: Eggert Lárusson

May 17th

9.00 Workshops
12.00 Lunch
13.00 – 17.00 Open seminar: "Is the concept of cultural capital still valid in the 21st century?". Lectures: Diane Reay and Donald Broady. Questions and discussions after each lecture. Discussant: Jon Lauglo. Then joint discussion. Moderator: Gestur Gudmundsson

May 18th

9.00 Workshops
12.00. Lunch
13.00 Lecture. Katrin Hjort: „Sociology of Education in the Age of Accountability – The late Bernstein or/and the Foucault-inspiration”. Moderator: Donald Broady.
15.00 – 17.00 Organised by students. 

May 19th

9.00 Workshops
12.00. Lunch
13.00 Lecture. Gestur Gudmundsson: „Transformation of cultural capital. Second generation immigrants and education”
15.00 – 17.00 Evaluation and instructions on travel cost reimbursement
19.00 Farewell dinner, VOX restaurant / bistro - Hilton Reykjavik Nordica - Suðurlandsbraut 2


Literature on methodologies of ethnographic studies (Elina’s lecture)

Berg, Päivi & Lahelma, Elina (2010) Gendering Processes in the Field of Physical Education, Gender and Education 22(1), 31-46. (draws basicly on Päivi Berg's ethnographic study on physical education, theoretical perspectives of Connell, Thorne and Bourdieu are linked)

Lahelma, Elina (2009) Dichotomized metaphors and young people’s educational routes, European Educational Research Journal 8(4), 497-507. (an example of ethnographically grounded life historical analysis of young people's educational transitions)

Gordon, Tuula, Holland, Janet, Lahelma, Elina & Tolonen, Tarja (2005) Hidden from Gaze: Problematising Action in the Classroom, Qualitative Research 5(1): 113-131. (a methodological article with focus on ethnographer's gaze)

Lahelma, Elina (2002) School is for meeting friends: secondary school as lived and remembered, British Journal of Sociology of Education, Vol.  23, No 3, 367-381 (this is an example of using multiple sets of data in ethnographic analysis)


Literature on Social Capital (Jon’s lecture)

Coleman, James S. (1988): Social Capital in the Creation of Human Capital. American Journal of Sociology 94 (Supplement): S95-S120.

Field, John (2003): Social Capital. London: Routledge (esp chapter 1-2, pp 11-70).

Portes, Alejandro (1998): Social Capital: Its Origins and Applications in Modern Sociology. Annual Review of Sociology 24: 1-24.

Lauglo, Jon (2000): Social Capital Trumping Class and Cultural Capital? Engagement with School Among Immigrant Youth. In Stephen Baron, John Field, and Tom Schuller (Eds.) Social Capital: Critical Perspectives. London: Oxford University Press.

Lauglo, Jon (2010) Unge fra innvandrerfamilier og sosial kapital for utdanning.  Oslo:  Norges forskningsråd: Program for for Internasjonal migrasjon og etniske relasjoner—IMER.  

Woolcock, Michael (1998): Social capital and economic development: Toward a theoretical synthesis and policy framework. Theory and Society 27: 151-208. (the older one's are also useful)

Literature on Cultural Capital (the lectures of Donald and Diane)

Bourdieu, Pierre (1989): La noblesse d'État. Grandes écoles et esprit de corps, Minuit, Paris, 569 pages, ISBN 2-7073-1278-9. (Eng translation The State Nobility. Elite Schools in the Field of Power, Stanford University Press, Stanford 1996, 475 s., ISBN 0-8047-1778-8.)

Broady, Donald: Kapitalbegreppet som utbildningssociologiskt verktyg, Skeptronhäften 15. Uppsala: SEC, Uppsala universitet, 26 p. [Also in Danish: "Kapitalbegrebet som uddannelsessociologisk værktøj", pp. 415-452 in Jens Bjerg (ed.): Pædagogik — en grundbog til et fag. København: Hans Reitzels Forlag, 1998. Swedish translation, Liber Förlag, 2000.] Accessible in swedish www.skeptron.uu.se/broady/sec/ske-15.pdf

Reay, Diane, Gill Crozier & John Clayton (2009)‘Strangers in Paradise’? Working-class Students in Elite Universities. Sociology 43(6): 1103–1121

Reay, Diane (2009) Identity Making in Schools and Classrooms in THE SAGE HANDBOOK OF IDENTITIES

Reay, Diane (2010) „From the theory of practice to the practice of theory. Working with Bourdieu in research in higher education choice“ in Cultural Analysis. 

Literature for Katrin Hjort‘s lecture

Hjort, Karin (200X) NON SENSE?: A discourse analysis of the Danish Upper Secondary School Reform 2005.

Hjort, Karin (2009). Competence development in the Public Sector: Development, or Dismantling of Professionalism? Illeris (ed.) International
Perspectives on Competence Development – Developing Skills and Capabilities,
NY Routledge

Bernstein, Basil B. (2000). Official Knowledge and Pedagoic Identities:The Politics of Recontextualisation. Chapter 4 from Pedagogy, Symbolic Control and Identity. Theory, Research, Critique. Revised edition. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc. 

Foucault, Michel (1980). The eye of power. Chapter 8 from Power/Knowledge Selected Interviews and Other Writings 1972-1977. Longman. London.

Literature for Gestur‘s lecture

The Transformation of Cultural Capital - A Working Paper May 2010


Other useful literature for preparation

Lauder, Hugh; Phillip Brown; Jo-Anne Dillabough and A.H. Halsey (Eds.)(2006) Education, Globalization and Social Change.  Oxford O.U. P.

Sayer, Andrew (2005) The moral significance of social class. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

Skeggs, Beverley (2004) Class, Self, Culture London: Routledge

Lareau, Annette (2003) Unequal Childhoods: Class, race, and Family Life. Berkeley and Los Angeles, California: University of California Press.

Mirza, Heidi Safia (2006)  „'Race', gender and educational desire“ Race Ethnicity and Education Vol. 9, No. 2, July 2006, pp. 137–158

Davies, Bronwyn (2006). Subjectification: the relevance of Butler’s analysis for education. British Journal of Sociology of Education. Special issue. Troubling identities: reflections on Judith Butler’s work for the Sociology of Education, 27(4), 425-438.


Diane Reay, University of Cambridge and Donald Broady, University of Uppsala: "Is the concept cultural capital still valid in the 21st century?".

Jon Lauglo, University of Oslo, will lecture on the concept of social capital as a means to direct attention to other aspects of ‚home background‘ than social class and cultural capital.

Elina Lahelma, University of Helsinki, will lecture on ethnographic research into citizenship and gender.

Gestur Gudmundsson, University of Iceland, will lecture on the social exclusion from upper secondary education and employment that is taking place in the current crisis.

Katrin Hjort, University of Southern Denmark, will lecture on the vertical and horisontal perspectives of Foucault and Bernstein on educational reforms.

URL of this page is www.skeptron.uu.se/broady/sec/k-10-soced-reykjavik.htm

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 ©-2009 SEC/EDU, Uppsala University, Box 2136, SE-750 02 Uppsala
Last updated: 2011-03-09   | Responsible: Donald Broady